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2022-06-25 0:51:30 体育资讯 ssrunhua





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文/图 张东亮



“What kind of country is Serbia?” Recently, the attention to this question has increased dramatically on Zhihu, one of China’s question-and-answer website, the reason is that after the global outbreak of COVID-19, Chinese people got to know the iron ties between China and Serbia, even Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said with emotion, “only China can help us.” In fact, Serbia is the first visa-free European country to China. With remains of ancient empires, rolling pastures, broad and winding Danube... this country was rated as one of the top ten travel destinations by Lonely Planet.


Serbia, is a small landlocked country in the Balkans in southeast Europe, also known as “Crossroads of Europe” where multiple cultures have merged and converged, has been functioning as a link between the East and the West.


When the plane slowly landed in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, the legend I heard turns into the reality I saw. Located at the confluence of the Sava and the Danube, Belgrade holds the water and land passages of the Balkan Peninsula, thus it is called “the Gate of Central Europe”. Entering the “Gate”, my journey in Serbia started.


Belgrade: the past and present of Kalemegdan Fortress



The Sava River winds through Belgrade, dividing the time-weathered city into two parts: the old town with antique beauty and the new town thriving on the road towards modernization. Most of the buildings and highlights representing the history and core of Serbia are concentrated in the old town.


Pobednik is the first thing that catches my eyes when I enter the old town from the new town through the bridge. The rising sun shines on the dense forests on both sides of the Danube, Kalemegdan Fortress is reflected on the river through lush branches, time-polished rocks and mottled red brick buildings look in harmony with the golden river, witnessing the vicissitudes of Belgrade for thousands of years.


Strolling in the old town, I come across a cafe or a bakery within every several steps; in the shade of trees and around the corners, all the small open spaces that do not block the street are scattered with parasols, tables, and chairs.



The most visit-worthy place in the old town is Kalemegdan Fortress on the highest point in the northwest corner, which is the landmark of Belgrade. The fortress, like a beast, nearly covers the whole mountain, facing directly the confluence of the Sava and the Danube; it holds the “throat” of the Danube channel from the high, perfectly showing us the terrain required of a critical strategic point. The fortress was once a military stronghold in ancient times, which, for hundreds of years, resisted the attacks from outside.


The main building of the fortress, first built with huge stones in the 17th century, was mainly painted into white. Though it has been repaired and expanded for many times, the architectural styles of ancient Rome and Austria-Hungary can still be found.


The fortress consists of four parts: Upper Town, Lower Town, Large Kalemegdan and Little Kalemegdan, each of which has its own characteristics. Entering the side gate, we could see the castle gate of the Middle Ages, through which we could see the white tower of the Upper Town stand in front of us, magnificent and mighty. On the platform and open space of the castle cannons of different ages were displayed — weapons left by past wars. Walking through the white tower, we entered the Lower Town, the best place to overlook the Danube and the Sava. The two rivers looked like two blue ribbons flowing on the European continent, the sunlight scattered itself over the sparkling rivers, and groups of of swans, snow-white and elegant, were swimming on the calm Danube, adding the most beautiful stroke to the picture of nature.


Novi Sad: friendly “European Youth Capital”


Novi Sad, the second largest city in Serbia, is located in the north of the country, about 70 kilometers away from Belgrade, and is reputed as “Athens of Serbia”.


The worldwide attention to this ancient city is credited to its hosting of EXIT, Europe’s best music festival, as well as its title “European Youth Capital 2019”.


The four-day music festival attracts young people from all over the world every July. Accompanied by the fashionable music festival is the profound history of the city.


始建于18世纪奥匈帝国统治时期的老城广场,至今依然是诺维萨德的城市中心。广场最早是以茜茜公主的丈夫、奥匈帝国的皇帝弗兰茨·约瑟夫名字命名的,之后更名为革命广场,现在被称作自由广场。这里有一座1894 年建成的玛丽天主教堂。哥特式的陶瓷尖屋顶色彩绚丽,闪烁着光芒,窗户上的20 幅玻璃画为匈牙利和捷克艺术家的作品。在中欧地区的教堂中,玛丽教堂的结构和装饰保存得最为完好。

Built in the 18th century under the rule of the Austria-Hungary, the Liberty Square is still the city center of Novi Sad. It was first named after Franz Josef, husband of Princess Sisi and emperor of Austro-Hungarian Empire. Later, it was renamed Revolutionary Square, which is now called Liberty Square. In the city of Novi Sad also stands the Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church built in 1894. The neo-gothic ceramic-tiled roofs are colorful and glittering, and the 20 stained glass paintings on the windows are works of Hungarian and Czech artists. Among the churches in Central Europe, the structure and decoration of this church are the best preserved ones.

市政厅位于广场的西侧,建于1895 年,为新文艺复兴建筑风格。附近有城市画廊、塞尔维亚国家大剧院等。穿过市政广场走进小巷,各种酒吧鳞次栉比,涂鸦文化和酒吧文化在这里凸显,随便一个酒吧门口都可以成为一个拍照打卡圣地。就连街边的咖啡甜品店,都和其他城市的感觉不同,年轻欢悦的调性,处处彰显着一个极具诱惑力的城市风格。

In the west of the Liberty Square stands the Neo-Renaissance-style city hall, which was built in 1895. In the neighboring area also stands The Gallery of Matica Srpska and Serbian National Theatre, adding artistic atmosphere to the city. Walking through the square into the alleys, row upon row of bars highlight the graffiti culture and bar culture, and the door of any bar is a perfect place for photo taking. Even the coffee and dessert shops on the street give you a different feeling from other cities: youth and joviality show a seductive city style everywhere.


Novi Sad is also reputed as one of the top 10 nightlife centers in the world, if you are a tourist in this city of vitality, you cannot miss Kafana, a combination of bar and restaurant with local characteristics; eating and drinking without constraint, you can spend a crazy yet romantic night in Europe.


In Serbia, the low prices make your dream of eating steak every day come true. A cup of coffee? RMB 6! A hearty western-style feast? RMB 50! Even an opera at Serbian National Theatre will just cost you RMB 25. Most surprisingly, you can buy 500 grams of cherries with no more than RMB 3, which means your dream of “cherry freedom” is no longer a dream here.



Zlatibor: God’s pasture


Zlatibor, our third stop, a world-famous city for its pastures and snow fields, is located in the southwest of Belgrade. Our local taxi driver, with his excellent driving skills, drives on the winding mountain road, throwing the soldier-like alpine pine forest behind. When we see the verdant grassland and cottages surrounded by flowers, the enthusiastic driver turns on the music player and shakes his body with the rhythm.


In Zlatibor, each colorful cottage stands on the pastures, beautiful and romantic as a fairy tale. On the downtown square, kids are strolling and playing with parents, from whose smiles we see satisfaction and peace. Zlatibor leaves no room for desire and grandiosity, even on the faces of featured bands in small restaurants, you can only find devotion and joy from the bottom of their hearts.


Zlatibor has world-famous snow fields, which are paradises for skiers in the winter. What we see when we get there are endless green pastures, on which cattle and sheep are grazing at ease; hearing bright pastoral songs, we slide into peace and joy.



One place in Zlatibor that you shall not miss is Tara National Park. The 22,000-hectare national park is located in western Serbia, bordering on Bosnia and Herzegovina. Walking deep into the forests, you can start your date with a fairyland of red pines and white birches, high mountains and deep valleys, and running brooks and flowing waterfalls. The national park is home to over 1,000 animal and plant species, including European brown bear and flamingo.


80% of its area is covered with mountain forests, among which valleys, brooks, rivers and meadows add radiance and beauty to each other, and unnameable flowers scatter themselves all over, creating an extremely beautiful world. The beauty of Tara National Park has attracted not only the attention of tourists but also that of directors, the Hollywood film The Forest was shot in the park.


In the vineyard of the national park, the annual wine tasting attracts many wine lovers. Picnic ware as well as tools for hiking, cycling, hunting and fishing are also provided. The signs of man’s presence in the park can be traced back to the Neolithic Age, indicating that the park was long time a habitat of the Illyrians and Celts before the Roman Conquest. Also, there are several several ancient monasteries in the park, famous for their centuries-old architecture and murals. Overlooking from the high, on the other side of the Drina, Bosnia and Herzegovina is near at hand.



Serbia, with its simple and tranquil beauty, nourishes a kind of emotion called happiness on its every inch of land.





1.Visa: Serbia is unconditionally visa-free to China, so it is very convenient for customs clearance.

2. Self-driving tour: Belgrade has many car rental agencies, whose stores are concentrated at the end of the departure hall of the airport.

3.Attractions and scenery: Serbia is known as the back garden of Europe, with beautiful sceneries suitable for holiday. Plus, Serbia functions as the crossroads of different civilizations, where different arts, architectural styles and cultures are perfectly integrated.












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